Group Therapy Frequently Asked Questions
Group therapy has been proven effective in helping individuals deal with a broad range of issues It has been shown to be as effective as individual therapy, and for some issues, it can be even more effective than individual therapy. My groups start with a five-week educational component (The Relationship Workshops: The Essentials) which can increase the skill level of group participants in dealing with issues of intimacy, but in effectively getting what they want from group therapy.
Group therapy is typically just as effective as individual therapy for various reasons. First, most members identify with issues other members share and find they are helping themselves just by being present and processing the issues vicariously. Second, by listening, giving feedback, and engaging other group members about their concerns, they practice new ways of interacting. Group members get to put into actual practice what they are learning. It becomes a safe place to try out new behaviors. Third, group therapy offers the opportunity to get multiple perspectives
Anyone who is struggling to make sense of their lives, wants more intimacy with themselves and others, and wants a community of like-minded individuals will benefit from both the group and The Relationship Workshops.
Some examples of the types of personal issues that members bring to group are:
- Discomfort in social situations
- Lack of intimacy in relationships
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Family of origin problems
- Dissatisfaction with their friendships or romantic relationships
- Poor self-esteem and lack of self confidence