The Vital Gap: How AI Lacks the Nuance of Human Vitality AffectsIn this new era of artificial intelligence (AI), where machines can diagnose diseases, drive cars, and even mimic human conversation, an unbridgeable
Decoding Love: Navigating Feelings, Desire, and ConnectionHave you ever wondered why a simple ‘like’ on social media or a heartfelt comment can brighten your day? Why do we
Business Decision-Making: Navigating The Urgent vs.The ImportantThe constant barrage of tasks and decisions facing leaders and teams often leaves them feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from their core objectives.
Unveiling the Hidden Power of Shame in Therapy: How Affect Relational Therapy Transforms Emotional HealingToday, let’s delve into a pivotal yet often undervalued aspect of therapeutic work: shame, through the lens of Silvan Tompkins’ affect theory.
The Lacanian Registers and Social MediaIn today’s digital age, social media has become a pivotal arena for self-exploration and identity formation, best understood by the concept Jacques
Transform Your Love Life: The Secret Power of Conquering ShameThe Invisible Chains: Shame in Intimate Relationships Shame is a potent, often covert force that can erode the foundations of our intimate